Kingdom of France Flag

"The French Revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race".

Louis IX, commonly known as Saint Louis, was King of France from 1226 to 1270, and the most illustrious of the Direct Capetians. His admirers through the centuries have regarded Louis IX as the ideal Christian ruler. His skill as a knight and engaging manner with the public made him popular. Despite his liberalizing legal reforms, Louis was a devout Christian and enforced strict Catholic orthodoxy. He is the only canonized King of France.


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"The French Revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race".

Louis IX, commonly known as Saint Louis, was King of France from 1226 to 1270, and the most illustrious of the Direct Capetians. His admirers through the centuries have regarded Louis IX as the ideal Christian ruler. His skill as a knight and engaging manner with the public made him popular. Despite his liberalizing legal reforms, Louis was a devout Christian and enforced strict Catholic orthodoxy. He is the only canonized King of France.


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"The French Revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race".

Louis IX, commonly known as Saint Louis, was King of France from 1226 to 1270, and the most illustrious of the Direct Capetians. His admirers through the centuries have regarded Louis IX as the ideal Christian ruler. His skill as a knight and engaging manner with the public made him popular. Despite his liberalizing legal reforms, Louis was a devout Christian and enforced strict Catholic orthodoxy. He is the only canonized King of France.


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